Rising From The Deep - A tribute to Deep Purple, Rainbow & Whitesnake

Rising From The Deep - A tribute to Deep Purple, Rainbow & Whitesnake
my_locationHangar 18 Music Venue, Swansea
access_timeFri, 27th Aug 2021 19:30-23:00
image_aspect_ratio16+ (Under 18s must be accompanied by an adult)

Rising from the Deep are a fantastic tribute to Deep Purple, Rainbow and Whitesnake.  Playing a great selection of tracks from all 3 bands, this tribute act will blow you away with their performance.

The only working tribute in the UK to feature former touring members of the bands themselves. They have played with the likes of Bernie Marsden, Ian Gillan, Doogie White, Joe Lynn Turner, Graham Bonnet and many others connected to the Purple Family Tree.

Playing in Hangar 18 Music Venue in Swansea (Near the bus station) on Easter Bank Holiday Weekend 2021

Main support: Eulogy


Ticket Face Value Quantity
Earlybird Ticket £5.00
Off Sale
Only a limited amount of early bird tickets available
Standard Ticket £8.00
Off Sale


N.B. This location is provided by the event promoter and plotted based on the post code entered. Please check all event/venue details before travelling or arranging accommodation.

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Hangar 18 Events

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Hangar 18 Music Venue - A unique Live Music Venue and Night Club located near the bus station in Swansea Town Centre. Fully Air Conditioned Reasonable Drink Prices Friendly Staff 50 Plymouth Street, Swansea, SA1 3QQ