Hawklords + Phoenix From the Ashes

Hawklords + Phoenix From the Ashes
my_locationArches Venue, Coventry
access_timeFri, 15th Nov 2024 20:00-23:00
image_aspect_ratiou16's must be accompanied by an adult

Hawklords return to the Arches Venue for the third consecutive year as part of their RELATIVITIY TOUR 2024. This promises to be their biggest and most immersive performance yet! 

Lose your mind and save your soul on a roller-coaster ride of pure space-rock & roll! Expect a cosmic head-trip as Hawklords return to promote their 11th studio album, RELATIVITY, which is out now! 

Support from Phoenix From the Ashes!


Ticket Face Value Quantity
Hawklords £14.00
Off Sale


N.B. This location is provided by the event promoter and plotted based on the post code entered. Please check all event/venue details before travelling or arranging accommodation.

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Arches Venue

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Arches Venue in Coventry. Hosting live music of all kinds of genres. Keeping music alive in Coventry, UK